Tuesday 20 September 2011

Classification of Matter

Divide Matter in 2 types:

1. Homogeneous: consist of only one visible component.
     ex. distilled water, oxygen, graphite
2. Hetergeneous: contains more than one visible component.
    ex. chocloate chip cookies, granite

                                       HOMOGENEOUS                                    HETEROGENEOUS
                   PURE SUBSTANCE       HOMOGENEOUS MIX               MECHANICAL MIXTURE
                        Element                                    Solution

Pure Substances
    Element: Substance cannot be broken into simpler substances by chemical reaction
                                         EX. oxygen, Iron, Magnesium
Compound: Substances made up of 2 or more elements and can be changed into elements by   chemical reactions
                                         EX. water, sugar

- many mixtures are easy to identify (chocolate chip cookies) BUT others are easily confused as pure substances.
Heterogeneous mixtures- different parts are clearly visible (granite, sand)
Homogeneous mixtures- different parts are not visible (salt, water, air)

Seperating Mixtures
- there are many methods to seperate mixtures, depending on the type of mixtures
           -by hand
           -distillation                                           Physical Changes

Nicole H

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