Monday 2 January 2012

December 3 - Moles of Iron and Copper Lab

Today we were assigned to do a lab. In this lab we had to determine the number of moles of copper produced in the reaction of iron and copper (ii) chloride, the number of moles of iron used up in the reaction of iron and copper (ii) chloride, the number of atoms and formula units involved in the reaction and, the ratio of moles or iron to moles of copper. 

This is our procedure:
  • First of all we weighed a dry 250 mL to find its mass.
  • Then we added about 8 grams of copper (II) chloride crystals into the beaker and weighed it.
  • After, we added 50 mL of water to the beaker
  • Then weighed the 2 nails and placed them into the copper (II) solution
  • Then saw a formation happening to the nails and after a couple of minutes we carefully used tongs to pick up the nails and removed any of the remaining copper from it.
  • After we dried the nails and removed the copper, we then weighed the nails again to find its new mass.
  • The excess solution was poured into the beaker carefully through a funnel and filter paper.
  • At last we placed the copper in a drying oven and then find the new mass of the beaker and the copper 
  1. Janine Roldan

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