Sunday 6 May 2012

Alcohols, Halides, Ketone and Ethers

-contain functional groups OH (hydroxol)
one OH : Ends in ol
two OH : Ends in diol
three OH : Ends in triol

Example : Ethanol

- it only includes group 17 from the periodic table
ending : O
Flourine: Floro
Chlorine: Cloro
Bromine: Bromo
Iodine: Ioda

Example: 1 cloroethane

- double bonded oxygen
- ends in anone
-double bond cannot be in the beginning or the end

Example: butanone

-only contains oxygen
- always between two carbons
- numerical order ( not alphabetical order like the others)
-ends in ether

Example: dimethyl ether

Nicole H

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