Saturday 4 February 2012

Stoichiometry Investigation

Problem : Does stoichemistry accuratley predict the mass of products produced in chemical reaction?

In this experiment we have to figure out how many moles of percipitate were formed when 2.00g of Stronium nitrate is disslved in 50mL of water and then reacted with the excess copper sulphate.

1) carefully measure about 3.oog of copper(ii) sulphate.
2) crush the copper(ii) sulphae into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle.
3) dissolve the copper sulphate in 50 mL
4) measure 2.00g of stronium nitrate and sissolvr iy on 50 mL of watter
5) slowly pour the two solutions
6) stir the mixture to complete the reaction
7) write your group name on  a piece of filter paper
8) find and record the mass of the filter paper
9)using a funnel and a n erlenmeyer flask, place the filter paper in funnel. Slowly pur the mixture into the funnel
10) pour the filtrate into the waste colection bottle
11) place the filter paper in the drying oven and record the mass when its dry

After following the procedure we discoved the formed moles of percipitate was 0.00953 mol

Nicole H

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