Sunday 11 March 2012

Ion Concentrations

  • when ionic compounds are dissolved in water they contain cation and anion seperate from each other.
  • this process is called DISSOCIATION
  • Dissociation: is the process in which this happens
ionic compunds are made up of two parts:
-cation - positively charged particles
- anion - negatively charged particles

  • when writing dissociation equations the atoms and charges must balance
                ex : Fe(OH)2 ----> Fe 2+ + 2 OH -


Determine [Na+] and [PO4   3-] in a 1.5 M solution of Na3PO4

Na3PO4 ---> 3 Na +    +        PO4 3-

1.5 M  x   3     =  4.5 M = [Na+]

Nicole H

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