Tuesday 8 November 2011

Chapter 2 Test

A review of chapter 2:

Atomic theories

JJ Thomson - raisin bun theory
                    - he beleived there was a solid, postive sphere with negative
                       particles embedded

Bohr and Lewis Diagrams

Quantum Mechanics

S orbital - each orbital holds 2 electrons
P orbital - 3 suborbitals: contain 2 electrons each
D orbital - 5 suborbitals: contain 2 electrons each
F orbital - 7 suborbitals: contain 2 electrons each

Naming Compunds

IUPAC= using roman numerals in pararanthesis
Classical System= use latin names of the element
ex. Aunn: gold
      Ferr: iron
- when using the classical system the larger charge you use ic and the smaller charge ous

Nicole H

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