Tuesday 1 November 2011

Naming Compounds

Chemical Nomenclature

Todays most common system is IUPAC for most chemical reactions like:
- ions
- binary ionic
- polyatomic ions
- hydrates
-molecular compounds
- acids/ bases

Chemical Formulas
- be aware of the difference between and ion and a compound.
ion= charge
compound= no charge

Note: -the top charge on a multivalent is the most commonly used
           -IUPAC use roman numerals in parenthesis
           - classical systems use latin names of the elements

suffixes ic is the larger charge and ous is for the smaller charge
ex. Fe0 - ferrous oxide

Classical names are a bit different for some elements like:
Ferr : iron
Cupp: copper
Stann: tin
Plumb: lead

some compounds can form lattices that bond to water molecules by hydrates

-watch this video to learn how to make/ name hydrates

Nicole Haughian

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