Tuesday 15 November 2011

Molar Mass

molar mass - the mass (g) of 1 mole of a substance
-the molar mass is the atomic mass
-molar mass is measured in g/mol

Molar Mass of Compounds
-to determine the molar mass of a compound, you add the mass of all the atoms together
C12H22O11 --> 12.0(12)+1.0(22)+16(11) = 342.30g/mol
KCl --> 19+17 = 36g/mol
NaBr4 --> 23.0 + 79.9(4) = 342.6
(NH4)2S --> (( 14+1 (4) )) x2 + 32.1 = 54.1g/mol

Janine Roldan

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