Monday 7 November 2011

Molecular Compounds

Molecular Compounds

  • molecules are diatomic 
  • 2 of the same elements: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
  • 2 molecules are polyatomic: S8, P4

Naming Molecular Compounds
  • use the name of the first element
  • second element ends in -ide
  • 1st atom usually doesn't have a prefix EX. CO2 -> carbon dioxide
  • hydrogen doesnt have a prefix EX. H2S -> hydrogen sulfide
More examples:
HBr -> hydrogen bromide
KI -> potassium iodide
H20 -> dihydrogen oxide

Naming Acids and Bases
  • hydrogen compounds are acids
HCl -> hydrochloric acid
H2SO4 -> sulfuric acid

Naming Bases
  • cation and OH
Na(OH) -> sodium hydroxide
Ba(OH)2 -> barium hydroxide

Sofia Nguyen

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